NAME OF THE RAW MATERIALS | CAS no. | Organic Solvents | | Acetone | 67-64-1 | Ethyl acetate | 141-78-6 | i-Butil Acetate | 110-19-0 | IsoPropylAlcohol (IPA) | 67-63-0 | n-Butil Acetate | 123-86-4 | Butyl Gliyol | 111-76-2 | Butyl Diglycol | 112-34-5 | Butyl Diglycol Acetate | 124-17-4 | i-Butanol | 78-83-1 | Denatured Ethanol | 67-17-5 | Methyl Ethyl Ketone | 78-93-3 | Methyl IsoButyl Ketone | 108-10-1 | Metoxypropanol | 107-98-2 | n-Butanol | 71-36-3 | Solvent TBA (toluene +) | preparat | Solvent WSX (white spirit +) | preparat | White Spirit NESSOL LI200 - aromatics 16%, flamability point 42/46° C | 64742-48-9 | White Spirit NESSOL LIAV200 - aromatics 0.05%, flamability point 41/45° C | 64742-48-9 | White Spirit NESSOL LIAV230 - aromatics 0.1%, flamability point 65° C | 64742-48-9 | Solvent XBA (xylene +) | preparat | | | Acetine - plasticizer free of phthalates | 102-76-1 | | | Any other related products by request. | |